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Our Vision
Congregation Ohr Chadash
focuses on:

1. G-d

Each person should be involved in an intimate, growing relationship with G-d. Therefore, he or she should not only be a committed follower of Yeshua but should also help others strengthen their own commitment. This necessitates that each person be Spirit-filled, i.e. living under the direction and control of the Ruach HaShem (Spirit of G-d), as described in the Scriptures (Ezek. 36:25-27; Eph. 5:18-21; Rom. 8:4; Gal 5:22-23).


2. The Scriptures

The Bible is our guidebook for living. Therefore, in the synagogue the teaching and preaching need to be clear, systematic presentations of what the Bible says. In addition, everyone in the congregation needs to be carefully studying the Scriptures regularly on his or her own.


3. The Traditions

As a Messianic synagogue, we want to learn to know, love, and respect our traditions. There is a vitality, beauty, richness, and value to our traditions; and people need to make the effort to understand them. The traditions can teach us about G-d and Yeshua; and they communicate his truths and principles. We must realize their histori­cal and biblical validity, and remember that G-d laid the foundation for our traditions. As a congregation, therefore, we need to be authentic and consistent in our observance of them; and, we should be creative in developing other relevant traditions drawn from the Newer Testa­ment, as well as from our heritage, which focus on Yeshua.


4. People

A congregation should provide an environment where people experience love, acceptance, support, appreciation and encourage­ment; where they can focus on the positive and good in each other; and where they can develop deep and lasting relationships. It should also foster a sense of community and cohesiveness for those inside the congregation, as well as develop an active compassion and con­cern for those outside it. The latter involves concretely reaching out to the needy and accurately communicating Yeshua’s message to our community.


5. Leadership

The leadership of the congregation should be a team of mature believers committed to Yeshua, to each other, and to the congrega­tion. The leaders need to be actively involved in all phases of synagogue life and leadership. They should also view their role -based on the biblical model – as one of being servants to the congre­gation. The leaders need to discover and develop not only their own spiritual gifts, but encourage the members to do so as well. These gifts must be used to build and enrich the body, and not become a means of drawing attention to the gift or the individual.


6. Education

The synagogue needs to be a place where its members learn about G-d, the Scriptures, their traditions, and themselves; as well as how to function as effective, productive members of their own families, the congregation family, and society as a whole. The synagogue also seeks to develop to the point where it can serve as a center to which others can come in order to train for involvement in congregational life and leadership. It can then function as a pattern or model that can be transferred to other locales. In this way, people can observe and participate in Congregation Ohr Chadash, and then put into practice what they experience here, when they go elsewhere.

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